Wednesday, May 12, 2004


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    More often than not, reminiscing often haunts me from the memorable sites and familiar scents. The taste of my youth lingers in my soul. It keeps on reminding me of the past I have had; of great trials and shortcomings that took advantage of my youth. How I wish I could bring back the time and hold onto my ever longed, beloved, love-of-my-life, to stay. Never she knew how much I have loved her, even at times when I failed her, and the times when she needed me the most. I have once walked with her in the hallway. In a humble and cozy canteen of the hospital, we used to share our meals together. I can remember the one-fine-day afternoon, quite lovely and serene. We exchanged words and ideas of how great and lovely life is and was as though not bound by time whence seemed will never end.

    In the quiescent side of the hospital, was an escape from the vast hard work. The quietness of the trees pronounced the hums of the birds and the mellows of the breeze. Altogether they sang in chorus and brought melody into our hearts. She was the most beautiful creation God ever made for me, made my heart pounded so intensely. An astounding feelings it was… oh boy!...ah life. I felt I was the happiest person in the universe then, because I was with the girl that I have prayed for: the girl that I always wanted to grow old with, not knowing I could also be the loneliest and the most miserable person in the whole galaxy when the time came and she was gone.

    After the hours of toxic duty with our guests, the patients, I hurriedly went to the exact place where the love-of-my-life and I had been on those lovely, good ol’ days. In a very subtle way, I observed the place. It was not as it was before. The trees have grown, some have withered. The old church, AILM (Asian Institute of Liturgical Music ) was still on there. But I can still smell the breeze and the sound of the birds hanging out on the trees. Definitely these were new flock of birds. They didn’t witness the perfect moment of my life.

    Every now and then my dreams are still being haunted of her memories. There was a time when I woke up, the feelings I had in my dreams seemed so real. In it, I was trying to bring back the time. I pleaded for her to be in my arms again. I never knew how painful it is to loose someone like her, not until I finally realized that she was---- gone.

    I thought I was in a fairy tale, expecting a happy ending: a happily-lived-ever-after ending. I still believe that in the other world we will meet each other. Call me superstitious but sometimes I think I can feel her presence. It’s as if we are heading off the same direction or in the same orbit; and If we both stay on this path and don’t stray, we’ll see each other again someday. I can only hope, that day is sometime very soon. I hope fate smiles upon us to be in each other’s arms …again.

    Hi! this is just an excerpt of my up-coming book... hope ya' like it mate!

    link me!


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